We love Sunday mornings. Alarm clocks don't wake us up. We are not in a hurry to catch a school bus. We can simply wake up and enjoy each others company. On a few mornings throughout 2015 I made a point to pick up my camera and capture some "real life" moments on our most relaxed morning of the week. I hope you enjoy these images. Comments and feedback are always appreciated.
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Normally there is a lot of laughter.
No one is in a hurry to get dressed.
Forts are common.
Games are played.
We build.
The kitchen usually smells good.
We do yoga.
Breastfeeding is common.
Rosie tries on shoes.
Creativity is encouraged.
Masterpieces are made.
Obviously we take a lot of photos.
We love on each other.
Rosie enjoys extra paci time.
We build fires.
We play outside.
We had a great year!