2018 has been a wild and busy year! I hope it’s been wonderful for you! As a full time professional photographer I take a lot of pride in my ability to capture a genuine moment throughout a lot of diverse jobs, situations and scenes. So… with that in mind here are my personal top and most impactful photos (to me) that came off my camera in 2018. Hope you enjoy!!
2018 Weddings
I had a blast documenting a few weddings this year. Documenting more weddings with my camera is certainly something I want to do more of in the future!
Mark and Kait, March 2018
Always time for a beer in Asheville!
Caitlin and Scott, May 2018
Kasey and Anthony, June 2018
Mia and Enrique, May 2018
Tracy and Gene, September 2018
2018 Real Estate and Architecture
My real estate and architectural photography grew immensely in 2018! I upgraded to a 17 mm tilt shift lens and it has helped make a huge difference in the quality of my work.
2018 Family
If you know me then you know how much my family means to me. I am so in love with them! Here are a few of my favorite family photos for the year.
About to take the “plunge” with my wife.
While they argue Catherine came away with the treat.
Beach frisbee time with my wife.
This is my #1 favorite photo for 2018… for obvious reasons.
Rosie being Rosie…
UNO at 3350’.
My son was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in October. He spent four nights in the hospital. I was by his side the entire time. It was an incredibly hard time for all of us. However, I am happy to report…
He is doing AMAZING now! This photo was taken in December (about two months later than above image). We are so happy he’s back to 100%! Life is precious!
San Jacinto Corvette Club Shoot, Biltmore Estate, May 2018
I was hired by the San Jacinto Corvette Club out of Houston, TX to photograph their amazing Corvettes on the Biltmore Estate in May. It also happened to be the opening day of the Dale Chihuly glass exhibit on the estate. and was pouring down rain for 90% of the shoot. This was one of my most exciting and fun shoots of the year!!
2018 Family Sessions
I documented so many fun and beautiful families this year!!
Asheville Yoga Festival July 2018
I was a staff photographer for the Asheville Yoga Festival in July. What a great experience!!
Documentary Photography September 2018
In September I was hired by a family whose Matriarch is terminally ill with cancer. The goal was to document happiness within this family member. I will NEVER forget this emotional and moving experience. I feel blessed and full of gratitude for this opportunity.
Professional Shirt Co.
In addition to being a full time photographer I am also the co-owner of Professional Shirt Co. Please visit our website www.professionalshirtco.com to learn about our story and mission. 2018 was our first year of business and it was a tremendous success! In particular I am extraordinarily proud to have seen our Professional Yoga Shirt come to fruition. We have a cycling shirt in production and it will be out soon! You can follow us on social media @professionalshirtco
The beautiful and talented Mauni Tomlo @ohmmauni
2018 Landscape
In all honesty I was not highly motivated to capture landscape scenes this year. However, when the opportunity did present itself I did my best to capture the beauty of our planet. Hope you enjoy these images.
High Tide on the North MIll’s.
Before a spring storm.
After the storm…
Lightning caught off Emerald Isle in September 2018.
18 “ of pow on the Blue Ridge Parkway
Looking Glass Falls, Brevard, NC
Finally I will leave you with a poem I wrote over the summer. I truly wish you an amazing 2019!! Get out and make your wildest dreams come TRUE!!
Professionally Yours,
Steven Charles Freedman
Rushing Water by Steven Charles Freedman
Step by Step
One at a Time, Balance Always Questionable
The Colors, The Textures, The Flow, The Ripples
The Ripples Send Emotions Through My Soul
Seasons are Stuck
Reflections Mesmerize at Each Gaze and Breath
The Current is Ever Changing and Steady
Direction is Un-Mistakable and Apparent
Lights, Darks, Every Shade Imaginable
I Become One With the Rushing Water